Game Overview
Welcome to multi-hand European Blackjack. Six (6) decks of cards are used to play this variant. Each
player plays only against the dealer (i.e. the bank), independently of other players. Your goal as the
player is to draw cards (i.e. hit) until your hand adds up to 21, or comes as close as possible without
exceeding 21. If your first two cards total 21, you have Blackjack!
Min/Max Wager Amount
: The default Min/Max wagers for this game are 1.00 - 100.00
Button Descriptions
- Help - Displays information on Game Rules, Payouts and Tips and Controls.
- Sound Off - Toggles sound on or off.
- Chip (separate chip denominations) - Select which Chip Denomination you chose to bet
with. Each bet made on the table will be with the selected Chip Denomination.
- Bet Options on the Table - Once desired Chip has been selected, click on any bet option
on the table to place your chip on that bet. You must press the Deal button after you have
made all of your bet selections to start the round. You have several options to bet. Please see
Game Rules under the Help button for more information on bets.
- Double -When available, this button will double your wager for the current hand and
draw an additional card.
- Split - When available this card will split your current hand and place an additional wager
that matches the original. An additional card will then be dealt for each of the two "split" cards.
You can then choose to Hit or Stand on those two hands as though they were separate.
- Deal - Starts the game after bets have been placed. The player and dealer will both be
dealt their first cards.
- Hit - When pressed, the dealer will deal a card to your current hand.
- Stand - When pressed, the game will proceed to your next available hand. If all available
hands have finished standing or have busted, the dealer will proceed to deal its cards and
determine the outcome of the round.
- Insurance - If the dealer's face card is an Ace, the dealer will ask if you want to play an
insurance side bet. To play the side bet, click "YES" and an insurance wager will be placed on
the table, which is half of the original wager. If the dealer has a blackjack, the insurance sidebet
will pay out 2:1 on the insurance bet. If the dealer does not have blackjack, then the insurance
sidebet does not win. You can choose to not play the Insurance sidebet by clicking "NO" when
- Repeat - Automatically places the previous rounds wagers onto the table and starts the
next round of play.
- Clear - Clears all bets and cards that are currently on the table.
Default Wager:
Not applicable